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Submit an event

The Loosely Coupled events directory lists all events that have web services or business process management as their main focus. See below for guidelines on using this form to submit an event for inclusion in the directory.


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Submission guidelines

Anyone can submit an event. You can also use this form to submit suggested changes to a published event listing (if so, please tell us why in the additional comments box). Our editors will review submissions, normally within one working day, and publish those that meet our criteria. The Loosely Coupled events directory lists all events that have web services or business process management as their main focus.


Loosely Coupled makes arrangements with organizers of selected events to provide additional promotional support. Check the box to receive more details by email.

Event title

Please state the title of the event, as shown on the conference website or brochure.

Event home page

Enter a URL that is specific to this event. Our editors will visit this URL to verify the event information.

Event city, country

Give the name of the town or city where the event will take place, followed by the country (eg "Boston, USA", "Paris, France", "Tokyo, Japan", etc). Don't include state names or abbreviations. If the place is in the locality of a better-known city, please add the name of that city in brackets. For example, write "Anaheim (nr Los Angeles)" or "Reston (nr Washington)". This makes it easier for readers to scan the list looking for events in a specific region.

Start date

Give the date when the event starts, in the format DD MM YYYY (eg 31 10 2003). This field determines the position of your event in the listings, which are ordered chronologically.

From/to dates and month

This gives the duration of the event. Put the dates as simple numbers, before the month, eg "15-17 January", and omit the year. If the dates straddle two months, shorten the names of the months to their first three letters, eg "30 Jun - 2 Jul". This makes it easier for readers to scan the list looking for specific dates.

Event type

We categorize events based on four criteria:
Conferences are events and exhibitions that run for a minimum of one full day, and usually include multiple sessions and presentations.
Seminars last for a few hours, rarely as much as a full day, and usually have just a few sessions focussed on a very specific theme.
Independent events consist of content that has been selected impartially by a specialist conference organizer, analyst group, media title, industry body or networking club.
Vendor events are organized by, or on behalf of, a specific industry vendor or group of vendors.


Give the start and finish times if the event runs for just part of a single day (for example, it's a breakfast seminar or an evening networking event). Use the 12-hour clock, eg "8:30am - 1:30pm" or "6:30-8:30pm".

Company name of organizer

Give the name of the company (or companies) organizing the event. Give their full name, but don't include the Corp, Inc, Ltd, etc.

Long description

Give two or three paragraphs that describe the theme, content and intended audience of the event. We prefer an informative style rather than aggressive marketing copy, in unformatted text (our form doesn't convert HTML coding). We reserve the right to edit descriptions for style and content.


Click this button to see how your event information will look when visitors click on the "more" option in our directory listing. The preview appears in a separate window. Keep this window open while you correct any errors using the form, and then refresh it by clicking preview again.

Additional comments

Use this box to enter any extra information or questions for our editorial team. It will be submitted along with your event details when you press the "submit event" button.

Comment on this page.


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